Wednesday, August 17, 2011

sulky sick..

shouldn't have sang too much yesterday.. i really lost my voice today..
attacked by sorethroat + flu ..!! ><
life is sucks when u started to sick ..!!
can't do anything when u sick sigh**
luckily there is something to cheer me up ..
freaking adorable box with some desserts to be expected...
weehoo~~!! my favourite green tea & tiramisu~!!
finally today is not a sulky day after all =D
gonna enjoy it after recovered..
thanks J ^^

Monday, August 08, 2011

A Message to God..

dear god..
please listen to my prayer..
there is a girl whose heart is getting weaker now.. 
trying to spend every day suppressing those hurtful memories..
trying to forget but why tend to recall..
recalling makes her loses her daily smile..
making she feels herself in the pitch dark..
no one there to help her shine through the dark..
please guide her through this agony..
because she afraid she cant take it anymore..